Let's get this straight! Our total weight is made up of fat, muscle, bones, organs ect. Muscle takes up less space, but its much more heavier than fat. Fat takes up a lot of space and quite frankly, we don't want any. Though, we do need a healthy amount of fat, but we sill want to fit in the cloths we wear and the size we want.
It's not about weight-loss folks: It's about fat-loss. Our success should be measured by the inches we loose, not the pounds we loose. The pounds we loose in a typical diet is 50% fat and 50% muscle. We want lean muscle. We want the muscle. We want to be toned. Right? We just don't want fat, and what we really want is to look good! Looking good in the cloths we wear and looking fantastic naked!
Diet and exercise is fantastic in getting back to shape. Eating the right calories (it's not about eating less, but eating the good calories: eating right!). A good form of exercising is going to the gym, yoga, pilates, walking! You know, taking walks with your mate or spouse is not only good for your energy & waist-line, but good for your relationship.
Additional support may be needed also, but watch out for colon cleanses disguised as true weight-loss products, and watch out for dehydrating drugs. Go natural why don't you! Natural is the way to go. Effective natural products.
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