Friday, March 26, 2010

Glyconutrient Product Overview: Ambrotose® Complex

The world’s first glyconutritional dietary supplement—a blend of mixed plant polysaccharides,  Ambrotose® complex is a breakthrough in wellness and is designed to deliver supplemental nutrients not typically found in the modern diet but important for optimal health.* It also includes a patented blend of plant-sourced polysaccharides, formulated to support cellular communication.*  Optimal cellular communication is the foundation for supporting every function of the body. Some edible plants are sources of saccharides. However, these plants are not typically part of the modern diet. Ambrotose® complex includes extracts of carbohydrate sources. More than a dozen studies indicate that Ambrotose® complex provides antioxidant benefit and support to the immune system, the digestive tract and cognitive function.†
Your body is made up of cells, and healthy cells can equal healthy bodies. The Ambrotose® complex is Mannatech’s core product for the Intelligent SupplementationSM philosophy.  Ambrotose® complex:
•   Supports proper organ function.*
•   Immune system support.*
•   People who have a healthy immune system experience more energy and endurance.
Scientists believe that more than 70% of your immune system is in your digestive system—making it incredibly important to take care of.  Fiber is important for maintaining good digestive health and reducing digestive issues. Laboratory studies suggest that Ambrotose® products exert prebiotic, digestive system effects—helping your body to function as it was intended.* (powder only)  Your digestive system is especially challenged by poor diet choices
Our Ambrotose® complex stands alone, providing Mannatech with an incredible competitive edge in the explosive wellness industry. Mannatech’s Ambrotose® complex has attracted numerous healthcare professionals and hundreds of thousands of consumers worldwide.
An exciting new Ambrotose® study proves it can help your cognitive recall and memory! (powder only)
A clinical third-party study sponsored by Mannatech shows Ambrotose® complex (powder only):
•    Enhances brainwave frequencies*
•    Improves mental reaction time*
•    Enhances concentration*
•    Improves memory*
•    Improves mood*
•    Decreases irritability*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
†Benefits vary by product

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