Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The YES Plan Overview

According to a U.S. Harris Poll in 1997, 96% of people lying awake at night are worrying about either health or finances. Even today, with the current health care situation and the economy, not much has changed on that front.  Today the subject of health and finances are so important.  You can't really have one without the other huh?  You can't be incredibly healthy and incredibly broke and vise versa, you can't be incredibly rich and unhealthy.  To enjoy life to it's fullest, to really have a good quality of life, is to have both.  Imagine, what's to worry?  What am I going to cook for dinner?  What movie am I going to watch tonight? Certainly, you won't be worrying about your health or bank account are yah? 

Anyhow, I made this video so you can have a glimpse of how Mannatech addressed the issue of health and finances.  Mannatech delivers Real Food Technology Solutions  to nourish your body.  In today's world, supplementation is the most effective way to get the nutrients we need that we're not getting in our diet.  Also, they set up a plan for you to earn income just by telling your friends and family that Mannatech exist and there is a way to address what they are worrying about.  Check out the video below.  Then contact me when you're ready to get started!!!  Let's get started soon! 

These figures should not be regarded as a guarantee or projection of your actual earnings. Actual earnings depend on your individual efforts and skill, the customer base available to you and the time devoted to your business. These factors differ from Associate to Associate.

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