Thursday, May 6, 2010

How are you doing financially? Do you have enough money?

"How are you doing financially?  Do  you have enough money?  Never let anyone tell you that money is not important.  Money is important!  Money is essential!  Without money, every other facet of  your life is likely to suffer.  You can starve to death if you don't have money!

Money has a bad reputation because most animals don't have enough of it.  To justify their lack, you will hear them say, "Money is the root of all evil" or "Money can't buy happiness."  Both of these ideas are completely wrong. They are used only for rationalizing failure to have money.

Money is not the root of all evil; LOVE of money is.  You can like money an extreme amount, but never let it become your god.  Respect money for all the good it can do. Have good plans for your money.  Enjoy money and have a desire for money, but never live  your life for money.  Money is a tool.  Use it properly and you can build a happy, satisfying life.  use it improperly and your life will be miserable.  Don't use it and you will lose it..." - Scott Alexander in the Rhinoceros Success

I must say, I used to say money isn't important but I didn't have any, this one hit home for me.  I learned differently now.  I wanted to share this excerpt with  you because it shows a very important point.  One I needed to learn.  If you like this LifeStyle Living blog, then is subject is most important.  It is good to have a  healthy relationship towards money and see how good it can be.  This is help us grow to be wiser individuals.

This book Rhinoceros Success is a great read.  It's written in 4th grade level so it's an easy read.  I am currently reading 2-3 chapters a day.  I really want to absorb what Scott Alexander is saying.  Personally, I am on the road to be a successful Rhino! I am filling my head with all the tools I need to be successful.  But all the tools won't do me any good unless I take action!  As Scott Alexander put it, "CHARGE!!!!"

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