Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Antiaging Time!

Stress, chemicals, toxins, pollutants...  It's just everywhere.  We eat it.  We breathe it. We bath in it.  Yet our body is remarkable in protecting us,  but we have to support our body's ability to cope with these kinds of environmental stress.

LifeStyle Living is about looking great and aging well.  Slowing down the aging process is key to looking our best.  I know this because I live in a polluted city and I have been exposed to numerous health forums about the importance of being proactive in our personal health.  So, I need extra support to slow down the effects of aging and not prematurely age.  Plus, I'm turning 30 tomorrow.  Yikes!!!

We got to support our body!  That's the only way.  I personally use an antioxidant product from Mannatech, Inc. called Ambrotose AO.  It is all natural and non-toxic.  It provides 200% more antioxidants than eating 5 servings of fruits and veggies a day with 2 small capsules a day.  That is what I use to help me in my antiaging efforts.  I am working on feeling great and looking great! It's easy.  If you're reading this, you too are looking for something that can help you.  Hey, science shows that good nutrition equates good health.  This is the product I take and this is the product I recommend to my friends & family,  and to you as well!

We struggle with always eating well and exercising

Isn't it true that we struggle with eating well and exercising?  The temptation is everywhere.  Everywhere we look it's burgers galore.  Don't get me wrong, I love burgers, but healthwise, it is far from being healthy.  Sure it fills us up and in most cases, it's cheap, but is it adequate to what we really need to eat well?

Exercising!  There is no supplement for exercise.  There are nutritional supplements to supplement our nutritional needs to help us feeling our best, but we still got to exercise.   There is no way getting around this obstacle.  Regardless if we feel tired and lazy, the only solution to this is discipline. In all honesty, there are days I do not feel like going to the gym, but I got to do it because the next day, I feel out of shape.  (That is how I motivate myself: it's mental)

So we got to exercise!  No way around it.  However, if the foods we tend to eat are unhealthy, it is a good solution to take dietary supplements to fill in the nutritional gap.  That is what I do, especially when I eat burgers and other junk food.  Junk foods rob us of the nutrients we already have in our bodies so I take a little extra dietary supplements.  The one's I personally take is from Mannatech, Inc.

I'll talk about one of the products I take which are the vitamins called PhytoMatrix.  We need vitamins and you know it.  It's all natural.  It has to be natural because natural is better than synthetic.  Everything is plant derived.  Even the minerals are plant derived and in a food form.  This just means, our bodies see the supplement as real food nutrients so our body can actually benefit nutritionally from it.  We got to choose the good stuff and in my opinion, Mannatech has the best supplements out there.  You guys gotta check it out for yourself.

I feel great doing what I do.  I'm turning 30 in a few days and I am taking control of my health.  I exercise, I portion control the bad stuff and I keep the good stuff plentiful.  You know, fruits and veggies that is high in fiber and low glycemic.  Hey, I gotta keep slim too.  Do the same!  You'd be amazed on how you will look and feel going the Wellness route.  That is LifeStyle Living!

These are the products I take for my health

I have personally been taking the Mannatech products religiously since August of 2005 and I must say, I feel great! I am turning 30 years old this month and I am not worrying so much.  Age is just a number now!

When I was younger, I often thought of how I am going to look like when I'm 20, 30, 40, 50...  Yes, I am afraid of getting older and looking older.  So I do what I need to do in order to slow the aging process or at least age very well.  I saw a George Clooney movie last night and I thought he aged pretty well himself.  So I'm looking to do the same thing as I am entering my 30's.

Now, I am a Mannatech Associate and I am biased when I talk about their products.  But I assure you, these products are the best and safest products that I can take.  I've done the research prior to me joining Mannatech and I am still learning what I can about the products Mannatech makes.

I personally take multiple products to keep me at my best.  I'll listed them down.

1.  Advanced Ambrotose is a glyconutritional product to support my immune system.  Keeping the immune system strong is important for overall wellness.

2.  Ambrotose AO is an antioxidant product I take for anti-aging and protection from free radicals.  I live in a place where the air quality is bad, so I really need this to keep looking young.

3.  PhytoMatrix is a multivitamin & mineral supplement that is really natural.  Every component came from plants.  This is important for nourishment.

4.  Plus is a plant sterol product, it comes from wild yam and it supports my endocrine system.  You know the hormones.  Keeps me happy and my hormones balanced.

5.  Essential Source Omega-3 is important for good brain and heart health.  This one is ultra pure and highly potent.  For the price, its good too.

6.  OsoLean is a target fat-loss product.  Hey, as we age, it's getting harder to keep the inches around our waist slim.  My body likes to keep fat, so I portion control, exercise daily and I add OsoLean for extra fat-loss support.

7.  The Mannatech Skin care helps me keep looking young and it really cleared up my Acne prone skin.  I had so much trouble with this until age 27.  It was severe.  I'll write another post about my Skin Care story.

Aside from all these products I take, I eat well, though I do splurge at times.  I drink on occasion.  I am Filipino and socializing especially with other Filipinos means drinking and eating roasted pig.  I also eat fiber rich fruits and veggies to keep my digestive system well.

Anyhow, these are the products I take to help me looking and feeling as young as I can.  I am so passionate about what Mannatech is doing that I wanted to join them and promote good health.  We live in rough times environmentally and financially.  I know the products I mention are costly, but prevention is cheaper.  I look at it as investing in my body.  Health is our wealth.

I promote these products because they are good products and Mannatech rewards me when my friends decide they want to go the Wellness route as well.  To me that Is LIfeStyle Living.

Going All-Natural

LifeStyle Living is being happy and vibrantly healthy.  There is a growing awareness of the importance of going all-natural and organic.  Reason being is that all-natural and organic is the way to go and much more healthier than their counterparts.  Although, organic simply means no pesticides, it still has more nutrients than non-organic fruits and vegetables.

We are now going back to old wisdom of having a healthy LifeStyle.  An apple a day keeps the doctor away is a good saying but an apple just won't cut it.  Today, a few servings of fruits and vegetables a day may keep the doctor away.  But a lot....

I met a woman over the weekend that really promotes juicing.  I must say, she looks rather healthy and good for her age.   And she really promotes going natural.  Although, the juices she makes doesn't taste that good since some of the ingredients are bitter melon and raw leaves.  But, she deals with the taste because she knows, juicing is good!  Remember, nutrients are tools that our body's need for it to function at it's best.   The key functions of the body is to heal, repair and rejuvenate itself.

However, not everyone will get all the nutrition they need from juicing or simply the diet alone.  A healthy LifeStyle today must include supplementation.   Dietary supplements are designed to provide you with the nutrition that is simply not found in the food that we are eating.  However, there are many dietary supplements to choose from.  How can you choose the right one for you?

Here are some things you should look for.

#1.  Is it all natural?  (I mean all-natural and bioactive?)  A good test is to take your all-natural supplements on an empty stomach, and if your tummy is upset, then your product is most probably synthetic.  Remember, they all say natural and they all say their the best.  No company or product will say their second best.  And, bioactive means that our bodies when taking the product recognizes it as real food nutrients and can be absorbed by the body.

#2.  Does the ingredients come from Real Food Ingredients?  Some companies will have magical berries and exotic fruits in their products, and although the berries and the exotic fruit may have high levels of nutrients, it doesn't mean the product itself has those nutrients in them.  Stabilizing nutrition is difficult.

#3.  Are there real scientific validation regarding the  products?  You have to be careful with this because many companies will show you borrowed science and research about the fruit/veggie/nutrient, but there must be scientific validation behind the product itself.  Here's one article called Pulp Fiction.
The only one I have found to have real food ingredients, scientific research and validation all available to the public, and really 100% all natural is from Mannatech, Inc.  I have personally taken the products for almost 5 years and shared with countless friends and family.  It's good stuff.  I've done my research, I used it, and now I promote it.  I know I'm biased, but check it out for yourself.  You'll see.  Check out the link below, its a good start in your research.


Yogurt and Probiotics

A huge part of LifeStyle Living is about being as healthy as we can be so we can do what ever it is that we want to do.  How can we do things we want to do if we do not have the health we need to do anything?  Whatever it is, like sky diving, cliff jumping, bungee jumping...   All the normal things we want to do.  Okay, all jokes aside, how about taking walks in the park, going to the gym to attend that yoga class, or just spending the day walking around the city or the mall.

So I thought writing something about Yogurt.  Yogurt is known to have many health benefits.  Just look at what I found on Wikipedia below.

People have been making—and eating—yogurt for at least 5,400 years. Today it is a common food item throughout the world. A nutritious food with unique health benefits, it is rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

Also, Yogurt contains Probiotics
Probiotics are live microorganisms thought to be healthy for the host organism. According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: "Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host".[1] Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria are the most common types of microbes used as probiotics; but certain yeasts and bacilli may also be helpful. Probiotics are commonly consumed as part of fermented foods with specially added active live cultures; such as in yogurt, soy yogurt, or as dietary supplements.

So probiotics is good for you especially for intestinal health. If you don't have time to eat delicious yogurt, conveniently you can take supplemental probiotic capsules. Mannatech, Inc. created a product called GI-Pro®. GI for Gastrointestinal and Pro for Probiotics.

The GI-Pro® product includes healthful bacteria, known as “probiotics,” as well as fiber, designed to support the health and balance of your intestinal tract.*  It includes the “right” bacteria to help support the delicate balance that exists among these bacteria for a healthy intestine. This balance can cause an overall beneficial effect to take place among the various healthful microflora that live in human intestine.*  And about 70% of your immune system is located in your digestive tract, and your body relies on a wide variety of bacteria and other microorganisms to help keep it running smoothly.  Probiotics help break down food and process waste.

Whether you want to eat yogurt or supplement your probiotics, you have choices. But you gotta take them for them to benefit you. You can find delicious yogurt in the grocery or your favorite yogurt shops.  If you want a supplemental capsules, you can order through Mannatech.  Click the Link Below.


* These statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Social Media Revolution

Social Media Revolution:  Is social media a fad?

Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? This video details out social media facts and figures that are hard to ignore. This video is produced by the author of Socialnomics.

I found this video from my Sheryl Mann, an expert in this subject and a Mannatech Associate and she says:  "Think you don't need to be involved in the online world to build your business? You might want to think again. Watch this video!"

Stimulate Your Economy

We are living in a rough economic time.  Then again, when are we not living in a rough economic time.  We are always looking to make more money.  Am I wrong? It would surely be nice to have more.  Right?

Network Marketing is a great way to earn more money.  Network marketing is on the rise with Real Estate Agents struggling in their fields.  Networking is on the rise anyway because many are starting to see the benefits of building a Network Marketing Business and developing it to a sustainable business that will equate to long-term residual income.  Residual Income is income that comes in whether you work or not.  Some people call it mailbox money, though who gets money in the mail nowadays?  We now have direct deposit.  Nonetheless, it is still income that comes in.

It makes so much sense to put our energy and effort to build something like this so that in the long run, we have that much-needed income coming in regardless of our effort.  It is most important that we get multiple sources of income for planning retirement.  Because in our world today, Social Security might not even last.  We also have the issue of inflation as well.  Books like Rich Dad Poor Dad and The Millionaire Next Door helps us answer some financial IQ questions.

Anyhow, with network marketing, you are providing a product and service to the people who know and trust you.  All you need to find is a reputable network marketing company that you trust and can get passionate about.  Yes!  You have to be passionate about what you are doing.  Without it, you'll get bored and you won't find success either.  There are many network marketing companies to choose from however.

Personally, I choose Mannatech, Inc. as my Network Marketing company.  They have worldwide patents on their advanced nutritional products.  They have the validation to show that their products work.  My personal downlines love the products and will stay with them.  Mannatech offers a great opportunity to help others and build a worldwide organization that can generate large sums of money.  Only, if you build it (your Mannatech Organization).

Mannatech developed the Y.E.S. Plan (Your Economic Stimulus Plan) for wellness.  Mannatech's mission is to provide better solutions to global health and to be able to afford it.  Network Marketing does that.  It helps consumers get their products paid for just by introducing it to a few friends and helps business savvy entrepreneurs build a Big Business.  A "B" Business as Robert Kiyosaki puts it.   The Y.E.S. Plan can be summed up in 5 simply and duplicatable steps that anyone can do.  The video I made shows it below.

These figures should not be regarded as a guarantee or projection of your actual earnings. Actual earnings depend on your individual efforts and skill, the customer base available to you and the time devoted to your business. These factors differ from Associate to Associate.

Healthy Chewable Vitamins

An important part of a healthy lifestyle is taking proactive measures to keep our good health and wellness.  Although sometimes, there are those who take so much pills, that they can have pill fatigue.  It's understandable that a person who takes multiple pills can stray away from taking supplements.  And there are those who wants to take proactive approaches to their health, but don't want to take in caplets or capsules as they are not really used to swallowing those things.

Nowadays, supplements can come in a chewable form.  Many of them are designed for kids, but hey, we're big kids too right?  Mannatech, the company I'm associated with designed this all natural and non-toxic supplement called PhytoBurst.  It's a chewable that comes in lemon and berry flavors in each bag.  It does have a burst of flavor and a ton of nutrients packed in each chew.  The nutrients are all plant sourced as well as the minerals.  That is what is so cool about this chew.  Everything is plant sourced and stabilized so they can have a bio-active nutritious supplementation to nourish your body.  Come on, the experts do say, saying no to supplements is like saying no to air.  Now our supplements can be a delicious candy chews to supply what our body craves.  Nutrients!!!! Look at how much nutrients are in each chew.

PhytoBurst Nutritional Chews:
  • Support your immune system*
  • Promote longevity and vitality*
  • Help keep your energy levels going*
  • Important antioxidant support from broccoli, cranberry, grape and rutin*
  • Includes naturally-sourced ingredients
  • Delicious, all-natural flavoring
  • Suitable for vegetarians

* These statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The YES Plan Overview

According to a U.S. Harris Poll in 1997, 96% of people lying awake at night are worrying about either health or finances. Even today, with the current health care situation and the economy, not much has changed on that front.  Today the subject of health and finances are so important.  You can't really have one without the other huh?  You can't be incredibly healthy and incredibly broke and vise versa, you can't be incredibly rich and unhealthy.  To enjoy life to it's fullest, to really have a good quality of life, is to have both.  Imagine, what's to worry?  What am I going to cook for dinner?  What movie am I going to watch tonight? Certainly, you won't be worrying about your health or bank account are yah? 

Anyhow, I made this video so you can have a glimpse of how Mannatech addressed the issue of health and finances.  Mannatech delivers Real Food Technology Solutions  to nourish your body.  In today's world, supplementation is the most effective way to get the nutrients we need that we're not getting in our diet.  Also, they set up a plan for you to earn income just by telling your friends and family that Mannatech exist and there is a way to address what they are worrying about.  Check out the video below.  Then contact me when you're ready to get started!!!  Let's get started soon! 

These figures should not be regarded as a guarantee or projection of your actual earnings. Actual earnings depend on your individual efforts and skill, the customer base available to you and the time devoted to your business. These factors differ from Associate to Associate.

Target Fat-Loss Product Overview: OsoLean™ Powder

OsoLean™ Powder

with the OsoLean™ Plan by Mannatech

Most diet plans or meal replacement drinks include synthetic flavors and sweeteners, preservatives and unnecessary calories. Mannatech’s OsoLean™ powder is different. Mannatech’s OsoLean™ powder is all-natural, with no preservatives or fillers. It also provides you with 20% of the Daily Value of protein and 22% of the Daily Value of calcium per serving.  All-natural OsoLean™ powder from Mannatech works as part of a smart lifestyle management choice. The OsoLean™ powder helps promote fat loss when combined with the OsoLean™ Plan and proper exercise.*

It’s not about the pounds you lose. It’s about losing fat.*  The OsoLean™ powder is the shape of things to come. It’s all-natural and mixes with the food and beverages you already enjoy. Best of all, OsoLean™ powder has been shown in a clinical study to help target fat loss and spare lean muscle when combined with the OsoLean™ Plan and proper exercise.*  Much more than just a typical whey protein, OsoLean™ powder is a specially formulated whey protein blend that includes advanced protein peptide technology. Through a proprietary process, specific parts of whey protein (called peptides) are separated and concentrated to ensure the optimal level of fat-loss peptides.* These peptides are blended with calcium-rich minerals from whey to make OsoLean™ powder.
  • Reliable supplement for those who are ready to take control of managing their weight.
  • A healthy weight management solution that works with your lifestyle.
  • Fits where you are; you choose what to mix it in rather than it being decided for you.

Ready to mix. Ready to start working. Just mix into your favorite hot or cold beverage or add it to the foods you like. It works well and it works with you.*  If you’re already dieting or on a weight management program, adding OsoLean™ powder to your daily diet may further increase the ratio of protein to carbohydrates.* Since milk and milk protein are low-glycemic, OsoLean™ powder makes a great addition to a low-glycemic lifestyle!

On the OsoLean™ Plan, you’re on your way to a better you!  Believe in yourself and let OsoLean™ powder help make the difference.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Antioxidant Product Overview: Ambrotose AO®

Given that many of the free radicals in our body are produced by natural functions, even the healthiest people may have free radicals attacking their cells an estimated 10,000 times every day! If you are like 9 out of 10 Americans who don’t get the amount of fruits and vegetables in their diet they should, Ambrotose AO® capsules are your answer. Research suggests that nutrients from natural plant- and food-based sources may be more easily absorbed and utilized by the body. Mannatech’s Ambrotose AO® capsules nourish and protect cells with key phytonutrients equivalent to an additional five servings of fruits and vegetables.* Clinical ORAC testing sponsored by Mannatech provides evidence that Ambrotose AO® capsules’ antioxidants are absorbed and dramatically boost the antioxidant power in blood.*

Questions to ask yourself:
Do you get the antioxidant protection you need from your diet? What if you could add a product that gave you 200% more antioxidant protection than an additional five servings of fruits and vegetables?

Am I getting enough antioxidant protection? Take the guesswork out and add Ambrotose AO® capsules to your routine, and you are set when your diet is not.

Anyone can benefit from our Ambrotose AO® capsules, no matter how healthy their lifestyle.

Ambrotose AO® Capsules are:

•    Plant-sourced antioxidant support.*
•    Helps protect against cellular damage and premature aging caused by oxidative stress (free radicals) in your body.*
•    Nutritional support for general well-being.*
•    Supports antioxidant protection.*
•    A unique mix of water- and fat-soluble antioxidants that help protect the entire cell.*
•    Antioxidant support.*

Free radicals are highly reactive particles that may occur in the body and can be generated by lifestyle factors such as excess dietary fats, cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption, pollutants or stress.* Antioxidant support to help with the harmful effects of toxins, environmental stress, poor diet and daily physical and oxidative stress, all of which can damage DNA, cells and tissues.* Studies have shown that antioxidants protect cells from the cell-damaging effects of free radicals.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Multivitamin/Mineral Product Overview: PhytoMatrix® Caplets

Mannatech’s patent-pending PhytoMatrix® supplement combines standardized levels of plant-derived minerals, natural vitamin complexes and a blend of other fully stabilized phytonutrients.* Science suggests that vitamins and minerals in natural, plant-based forms may be absorbed and utilized more efficiently by your body. Mannatech’s PhytoMatrix® caplets contain no synthetic or chemically derived vitamins, minerals or phytonutrients.* Because your body benefits from plant- or food-based nutrients, Mannatech leveraged decades of research to formulate this proprietary vitamin/mineral product to best nourish your cells.* Mannatech’s PhytoMatrix® caplets contain natural dietary ingredients. No synthetic vitamins or minerals.*

PhytoMatrix® are:

•    Plant-sourced mineral blend

•    Natural vitamin complexes

•    No synthetic vitamins

•    No synthetic vitamins or minerals

•    All-natural vitamin and mineral blends

•    Natural dietary ingredients

Mannatech’s PhytoMatrix® caplets contain standardized hydroponic minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients (with labeled ingredients)

•    Vitamins sourced primarily from plants and yeast

•    Minerals are pre-digested by hydroponically grown plants for increased absorption

•    Phyto (plant) chemicals optimize the nutrient value of our foods

•    Plants enriched in vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients are ideal for the “fuel system” that keeps us going throughout the day

Suitable for vegetarians. (Vegetarians have to be especially vigilant in their dietary habits to consume sufficient amounts of iron, zinc and vitamin B12. Those who do not consume milk products are additionally at risk for a deficiency in calcium, and those who don’t consume milk products or get enough sunlight may be at risk for a deficiency in vitamin D.)

A single caplet provides the same amount of plant-sourced minerals typically found in many servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. For example, an individual would have to eat over 23 servings of fresh spinach to get the same amount of plant-sourced zinc found in a single PhytoMatrix® caplet.* (USDA Nutrient Database)

A daily serving of the PhytoMatrix® supplement provides the same amount of minerals typically found in many servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. For example, an individual would have to eat 5.8 pounds of fresh spinach to get the same amount of zinc found in a daily serving of PhytoMatrix® caplets, over a half pound to get the same amount of manganese contained in one caplet, and over a quarter pound to get the same amount of iron contained in a daily supply. IMPORTANT: This statement is true for mineral content only! (USDA Nutrient Database).

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Wellness Plan For Life

Join Me!!! Let's Get Started!

Herbal Amino-Acid Product Overview: PLUS™ Caplets

Mannatech’s PLUS™ caplets include a unique blend of standardized nutrients formulated to keep the endocrine system healthy.* The PLUS™ caplets include amino acids that play important roles in immune system, nervous system and cardiovascular system function.*

Plus Caplets:
  • Supports the endocrine system.*
  • A source of plant sterols. Not a hormone.*
  • Supports the immune system.*
  • Supports bone, colon, prostate and breast health.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.