Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Do you believe in the hidden messages in water? Napoleon Hill said thoughts are things...

If thoughts and symbols can do that to water? What would our daily thoughts and the things we read do to us?  Napoleon Hill, the author of Think & Grow Rich said "thoughts are things and powerful things at that."  This book is well-known and many have credited their success from reading Think & Grow Rich.  So is this Hado stuff a hoax?  Or is this real?

I for one believe that it is very true.  There is evidence that shows that there is something happening here.  We can't really explain it but it's there.  LifeStyle Living is about being happy, healthy, wealthy and wise.  From all the books that I have been reading, it all points out to us feeling good and developing our positive mindset towards our personal fulfillment and success.  Science has also showed that smiling increases our immune response ever so slightly while frowning decreases our immune responses.  So our thoughts are powerful.  And we're made of mostly water.

Anyhow, I am not pushing my personal beliefs onto anybody.  You decide whether you want to believe this stuff or not.   You're the master of your own life so you decide.  God gave us free will...  (By the way, I believe that God exist, he has a name, and he created the universe and all things in it.)  Dr. Emoto simply discovered a masterpiece of divine design.

Left "You Idiot"     Right "Chi of Love"

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