Monday, May 31, 2010

Having a purposeful life will give you more success

Naturally, we all look for purpose in our lives. In the USA alone, most people regardless of what they do for a living and how much they earn, the #1 thing people are looking for in the workplace is the feeling of purpose. It was said that people hate just sitting in the desk and filing papers all day. People are naturally looking for some type of purpose in their lives. Typically a noble cause. Something bigger than themselves.

I mean, there is spiritual purpose which is very important and there is secular purpose. I'm talking about Secular Purpose for all of you religious readers. Your spiritual purpose comes from another blog called The Bible. Go read that daily!

Anyhow, when looking for a Job and Business, look for something that is purposeful and meaningful. Something you can get passionate about. Because passion is the driving force in your personal success. Income will come regardless, just focus on what your purpose is and what you are passionate about and you will go far!

So, what is your purpose? Mine? Just watch the video above. That's my purpose.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Good Nutrition Promotes Good Health

Nutrition provides the raw materials that each individual cells in our body needs to function optimally.  That is why good nutrition promotes good health. Nothing new right?  So more and more intelligent people like you is starting to eat right, exercise, take supplements to supplement what is missing in the green harvested fruits and vegetables we eat, and rest as much as we can.

Though, some of the things listed above might prove challenging because we all live hectic lifestyles, but many health concious people do it anyway.  We find the time and ways to keep as healthy as we can be so we can have more energy, vitality, and we do it to look great too!

Oil Spill! Then What?

I'm sure everyone has watched the news about the big oil spill that is happening in the Gulf of Mexico.  I know I have watch about enough of it.  It seems there is no progress in stopping the oil gushing out of the sea floor.  I honestly don't think that BP, the United States Government and even President Obama knows what to do.  They are battling the force of nature.  Can a company, government and a President battle a tornado or a hurricane?  No!  All we can all do is wait.  Same as oil gushing out on the sea floor.  I am sure they are doing their best to stop this issue.  Whatever they are doing.  Though it seems it is like the blind leading the blind.  I really don't think they know what they are doing.

The environment is getting way polluted and toxic for our own good.  There are various reasons why our environment is what it is today, including what is happening in the Gulf.  Quite frankly, it's an unhealthy environment for all of us now.  Despite this oil spill, we should all realize that Change is slow and we will continue to live on a toxic planet until Positive Change happens.

The way we do things needs to change.  The way we think needs to change.  The way we eat needs to change.  Gosh, we need a whole lot of changing.  Today, Change is good!  Because we have a problem in pretty much all aspects of life, and we need solutions.  Solutions are out there!  We just have to look for it.  Seek and you shall find is good advice.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Apple's iPad is so cool!


I got to play around the iPad and it's quite fun actually.   At first I though, why get an iPad when you can just save up for a Macbook Pro.  I haven't read any reviews about the iPad, and as far as how it worked, I thought it mostly acted like an oversized iTouch which is why I would have chosen a MacBook Pro over the iPad, though it would just cost a little bit more.

Well, a lot of the functions is that of an iTouch and much more.  What amazed me is the ease of use.  I personally use a new Apple Keyboard and using the iPad Keyboard was fairly easy.  Now, I'm sure I'll need to train my hands to be more efficient with the iPad's keyboard, it was only a few minutes I tried to use the keyboard.  I was mostly playing the really fun games.  I love the golf game.  The only restriction to using the iPad with the keyboard is the size of the viewing document screen is slimmed down.  The keyboard is indeed on touch screen.  Also, Microsoft Office can be loaded in an iPad which I didn't think was possible either. But hey, it's a new and cool gadget.  It's not a MacBook pro, but I assume that the iPad would evolved to having all of the functions of a MacBook Pro and more.

I love Apple and their products.  The software provides ease of use and it comes in a really nice shell: like the iPad.  I personally think that is why Apple is very strong because they do make very good products.  Yes, they are more expensive than that of the PC but Apple are for Apple customers and PC is for the PC customers.  If you're looking for a PC, get a PC, not an Apple and vice-versa.

See, PC people like to compare and contrast the pros and cons about Apple, but most of these PC people if given the chance, will take an Apple any day.  The only biggest argument is the price.  That and the ease of use maybe sometimes harder for PC people because they are used to operating a PC.  But be patient PC people, just get used to it you'll be a pro.  (I am telling this because most of my friends are diehard PC people with a lot of objections about Apple (it's so annoying!!!).  I don't know why.  They always want to prove PC is better all the time.  To me, PC is a PC and Apple is an Apple and I love Apple PERIOD)

Anyhow, going back to the iPad, it is just a really cool gadget and the price is very good.  I'm sure many PC people is happy about this also.  It's a great gadget for traveling and sitting at the cafe.  Almost everywhere, it is free internet access.  You can access all email and facebook on the iPad and create Office Documents.

I'm gonna get one!  I will post the iPad's picture on my vision board until I get it in my hands.

Google Juice!

To understand inbound marketing, you have to understand what outbound marketing is.  Back in the day, email blasts, tv commercials, billboard ads, posters and pamphlets you see in the mail were effective and the norm, this is outbound marketing.

Today, our consumers do a great job of not looking at and filtering out spam messages and outbound marketing material.  In essence, outbound marketing has now become SPAM.  Not SPAM the unhealthy luncheon meat, quite popular amongst the Filipinos, Hawaiians & Chamorros.  But SPAM the unwanted junk email that people don't want to see and receive.

In today's world, the consumer rules.  They are the ones looking for the products and services you offer via online.  Easier said than done.  Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.) is hard work.  Yes, you'll need websites, blogs, twitters, facebook, ect, ect.  It is the world of Social Media.  There are a lot of trial and error that needs to be done.  How do you do this?  There are books that can help teach S.E.O., but you still need some trial and error to get to the top of the list on Google and get Google Juice.

Books I recommend to help is What Would Google Do by Jeff Jarvis and Inbound Marketing by Brian Halligan & Dharmesh Shah.  This is a good start for us.  I wish you all success!

If you're successful in inbound marketing as well, please share some of the stuff that you do with us?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Jobs are not coming back

If you're waiting around thinking more jobs will back, you may be just wishful thinking.  Then again, jobs are being offered every,  McDonald's is still hiring.

See from the books I've read from Robert Kiyosaki and especially Paul Zane Pilzer, the economy right now is restructuring itself.  The unemployment we see today is called structural unemployment.  The unemployed especially with outdated professions, will seek newer and better ways to make money.  Perhaps even create new businesses and industries.

They are both saying that Jobs will become the thing of the past and that Entrepreneurship is the way of today and in the future. The days of the W2s are over and it's a 1099 world now!  What we have been taught in the past is outdated and it is those with enough foresight will learn the new ways especially to survive in our rough economic environment.

More and more people today are even creating home-based-business through network marketing.  Network marketing with financial planning services, Tupperware, Kitchen Stuff, I even heard of one with Electricity.  Some of them have day jobs to support their basic needs as they get started in their new business venture.  You will have to do some research before choosing a network marketing company that you like sharing and get passionate about.  I did this as well!  I chose a nutrition company by the named of Mannatech.  They have great products:  Check,  they had a great business compensation plan:  Check, and the culture of the Company is unique in a very good way:  double Check!

Look, we now know for sure that Job Security is No Security especially for those who were downsized.  There were some people who worked for companies for 20-30yrs and got the boot.  It is wake up time as Robert Kiyosaki says.  It's time to become financially competent and business savvy.  Financial freedom is the name of the game.  Are you in?

Success by Sharing, Translation: Success by Gossip

In Show Biz, they know, regardless of how much they spend on conventional advertising, the show or movie's success lives or dies by word of mouth.  If people like it, they will recommend it to their friends.  If they don't like it, they will recommend not watching.  In some cases however, very rare, if the movie sucks, I know someone who'll recommend you watching the movie just to confirm that it did indeed suck.  His initials are S.N.  Yeah, he's a friend of mine.

So, Success by Sharing or Gossip!  Regardless of what product or service you provide, our goal is to get our customers as happy and satisfied as possible so they will recommend what every product or service we sell to their friends and family or who ever they come to meet along the way.  You call this your personal walking ambassadors (this is explained in the book The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann which is a great read I might add).

Let's face it, all of us are all sales people somehow.  We all got something to sell right?   What ever it is, i.e. homes, properties, products, advise, books, song lyrics, cloths, ideas, ect. That is what business is and businesses earn by providing good products and services to we the people (it's People Power).   We can find much success by personal recommendations from ourselves to our friends, and our friends recommendation to their friends (business friends, or just friends in general)  Success just by Gossip...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wellness in a Health Perspective

In today's world, more and more people are looking for ways to look younger, reverse the effects of aging and to simply perform better as we all age. Us LifeStyle People are no different.  We are all in this Wellness Revolution as economist and Wellness Guru Paul Zane Pilzer wrote in his book, The Wellness Revolution.

Gen Y – born in 1981 or after typically looks for increased performance. Gen Xer – born between 1965 and 1980 like me, typically looks for increase performance as well as to alleviate aches and pains.  And Baby Boomers, born between 1946 – 1964 want it all!  And, they want to restore youthful vitality and increase memory capacity too.  You know what?... during college, I hoped for increased memory capacity also.

People are really getting geared into taking a proactive approach into our own health as well as others.  We all are starting to get information about wellness through blogs like this, seminars and a ton of reading material that gives us advice about health.

The Baby Boomers play a major role in this because they have the need and they have the want.  In the Wellness Revolution, us intelligent consumers, young and old are looking for great products that will help us age better, look younger, perform better as well as keeping it all natural and non-toxic.  Hey, natural is the way to go! So long that your All-Natural products work and if it is indeed all natural.  Proper exercise and diet is a must as well.  Can't do it with products alone.

This is what the Wellness Revolution is.  The recognizing the importance of maintaining our vibrant and optimal health as well as taking proactive measures and focusing on prevention rather than just waiting... Right?!! This is our  healthcare reform!

Wellness in a Business Perspective

In today's world, more and more people are looking for ways to look younger, reverse the effects of aging and to simply perform better as we all age. LifeStyle people are no different.  We are all in this Wellness Revolution as economist and Wellness Guru Paul Zane Pilzer wrote in his book, The Wellness Revolution.

On a business standpoint, this is a great opportunity to capture and capitalize on.  Let's face it, building a business is  no easy task.  It takes risk, audacity and bravado!!! These are the worlds of Robert Koyosaki, one of my favorite mentors.  But if you're up for this challenge, then being part of the wellness industry is a great start.  Paul Zane Pilzer calls it the Perfect Storm of Opportunity because the markets, driven especially by the baby boomers will drive this industry to high levels.  He calls this industry the next trillion-dollar industry because the aging of the baby boomers.  Baby Boomers born between 1946 – 1964 are looking for better ways to reverse the effects of aging, restore a youthful vitality, increase memory capacity and more.  They are looking for more natural and non-toxic ways to do this.  Hence the Wellness Revolution.  Focusing on prevention and simply feeling great!  They all have the money and the power to drive this business.  Hey, the Gen Xer's and the Gen Y's are in this also.  Look, today everyone wants to feel great, look great and live well.

There will be a Millionaire explosion.  One of the books Paul Zane Pilzer writes  is the Next Trillion.  He states that the next trillion-dollar industry is the Wellness Industry.   Today, Wellness Companies are creating the products Baby Boomers, Gen Xer's and Gen Y's are looking for (this includes you!).   These products are everywhere.  But buyer beware, from the many products out there, which one should you choose?  This pertains to health products typically dietary supplements. ( The Wellness Industry also include Gyms, Spa's, Massage, all the way down to skin care, weight management and dietary supplement products.)

The intelligent consumer of the Wellness Industry will look for the best products they could find.  So companies that will survive in the Next Trillion will have scientifically tested wellness products, proprietary which they own (no use to sell products that everyone else has), and they must have unique products.  So out of the current 4000 some odd wellness companies participating, by the time The Wellness Industry hits $1 Trillion, there will be about 2000 companies left.  However, only about a handful of companies (about 20) will take up 80% of the market share.  These companies are the ones with the best products out there.  These are the companies you want to work with, that is in fact if you do want to be part of the Wellness Industry.

Paul Zane Pilzer forecasts that there will be 10 Million New Millionaires that will be created between 2006-2016. (yeah yeah, the whole world is in recession, but most wealth is created during the time of recession) Many of these new millionaires participated in the Wellness Industry, and many of the are network marketers.  Network Marketing is strongly promoted by Robert Kiyosaki , Paul Zane Pilzer and many others.  This industry gives the average individual to start-up a business at low-cost and gives them a chance to build a long-lasting business.  Network Marketing is the most effective way of introducing new products and services to the masses.  It is also an effective way to earn extra income while the new entrepreneur works his day job and networks his/her way to success.

Now I know you probably have been approached with many Network Marketing companies with many fad products.  Yes, there are many!  But you as the intelligent person, must do your diligent research before choosing a company that you can believe in and get passionate about.  (No use selling a product you don't believe in and beware of someone promoting you a network marketing company that strictly focuses on business and money-making.  Money will come so long as the products are great.  Not just good, but GREAT!)

So, many of us in the LifeSyle spirit in general have that entrepreneur spirit.  I feel many you will be successful in The Wellness Industry.  We the people naturally love to help people and that is what networking is all about. On top of that, we all love our burgers, fries, steak and cheese... you name it!  Let's face it folks, we all need Wellness Products!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Are you a winner? Or are you a whiner?

If you're a network marketing professional, you got to listen to what this guy is saying.  Be a professional!  Be a Winner!  Not a Whiner!   

I must admit, I have been guilty of this in many occasions.  Hey, it happens to the best of us.  This will smack us right side up.  Watch and Listen!  

Social Media Revolution Updated

Social Media Revolution 2 is a refresh of the original video with new and updated social media & mobile statistics that are hard to ignore. Based on the book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman.

I have been hearing form books and literature that it is essential to have Social Media being in business today from Blogs, Facebook, YouTube...  Getting out there means you are reaching your customers and  your potential customers.  Your customers are also  your business partners.  They will give you ideas about how you are doing and how to make things even better.  This idea came from the book "What Would Google Do?" LifeStyle Living Entrepreneurs!  You gotta watch this.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Story of Ambrotose

This is the story of Ambrotose coming from the founder of Mannatech.  He is giving perspective on why this particular product is so beneficial for health and how much of a disruptive technology it is.  Remember, cd's took away the audio tape like the audio tape took away the vinyl record.  That is what disruptive technologies are.

This audio will discus what Ambrotose is, what it consists of, where it came from and why it is important.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How are you doing financially? Do you have enough money?

"How are you doing financially?  Do  you have enough money?  Never let anyone tell you that money is not important.  Money is important!  Money is essential!  Without money, every other facet of  your life is likely to suffer.  You can starve to death if you don't have money!

Money has a bad reputation because most animals don't have enough of it.  To justify their lack, you will hear them say, "Money is the root of all evil" or "Money can't buy happiness."  Both of these ideas are completely wrong. They are used only for rationalizing failure to have money.

Money is not the root of all evil; LOVE of money is.  You can like money an extreme amount, but never let it become your god.  Respect money for all the good it can do. Have good plans for your money.  Enjoy money and have a desire for money, but never live  your life for money.  Money is a tool.  Use it properly and you can build a happy, satisfying life.  use it improperly and your life will be miserable.  Don't use it and you will lose it..." - Scott Alexander in the Rhinoceros Success

I must say, I used to say money isn't important but I didn't have any, this one hit home for me.  I learned differently now.  I wanted to share this excerpt with  you because it shows a very important point.  One I needed to learn.  If you like this LifeStyle Living blog, then is subject is most important.  It is good to have a  healthy relationship towards money and see how good it can be.  This is help us grow to be wiser individuals.

This book Rhinoceros Success is a great read.  It's written in 4th grade level so it's an easy read.  I am currently reading 2-3 chapters a day.  I really want to absorb what Scott Alexander is saying.  Personally, I am on the road to be a successful Rhino! I am filling my head with all the tools I need to be successful.  But all the tools won't do me any good unless I take action!  As Scott Alexander put it, "CHARGE!!!!"

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why Network Marketing?

LifeStyle Living I often say is being happy, healthy, wealthy and wise.  A part of being wealthy is owning a business of some sort.  In my travels, the wealthiest people I met owned businesses.  Examples of some businesses they were in is Real Estate which is what I like to get into as well, but first, make money for that big down payment. Also, I've met some people who owned poultry farms, primarily selling eggs, Feeds, Gas Stations (though since regulations are high, not much money can be made with gas stations), Construction and everything that deals in construction.  Wholesale and distribution is another example, car dealerships...  Those are great traditional business models and all of the men I met who owned those business were all successful.

The business I am in is Network Marketing.  It's another business model.  It still has products that is to be distributed.  It still has man power or leverage which means there are others in your team building their network of marketers and customers.  The goal of the president, which is you is to share information to your team and customers.  That's it!  On top of that, many successful traditional businessmen are promoting Network Marketing is "The Perfect Business."

The company I'm with has extraordinary health products (Check), great business model (Check), in it for the long haul (Double Check), and a company that impacts lives for the better (Check).  LifeStyliving:  Be happy, healthy, wealthy and wise!

As a disclaimer to you, Network Marketing is not the business for everybody.  Being in business for themselves is not for everybody.  It takes guts, audacity, bravado and a willingness to take risks.  All of the successful men I mentioned above told me of their trials and tribulations.  If you're up for it, then being in business for yourself is right for you!

Please let me know your comments below.  I'd love to know what you think. :)

Coffee Talk

This is my first coffee talk with you. I couldn't do the New York accent though. In the future, I would like to bring in new people to coffee talk with me. Check it out!
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Planet 100: A hundred seconds to be in the know?

LifeStyle Living is being environmentally friendly.   I wanted to share this video with you from Planet 100, it's one of my favorite youtube channels because it deals with the Planet Stuff and in 100 seconds, we'll get much needed information and tidbits on how we can join the fight against climate change without affecting our busy schedules.

What Is Omega-3?

A part of LifeStyle Living is using brands that have the best value, knowing the important details of what we should take towards our vibrant optimal health.  One of my customers often says that her health is her wealth.  It is so true!

Today's segment is to answer the question on what is Omega-3.  Omega-3 is an unsaturated fatty acid essential for overall good health, especially for brain and heart health.  Just look in the internet and you'll see many articles about why Omega-3 is important.  Doctors highly recommend taking Omega-3 to their patients.  Furthermore, Omega-3 is great for those of us looking to take a proactive approach into our own health.

There are many brands out there.  A good brand to take come's from Nordic Naturals typically sold in GNC and they come in various prices.   However, I know I am biased, but I highly suggest Essential Source Omega-3 from Mannatech.  LifeStyle Living is about taking the best possible products out there.  In my opinion, Mannatech has the best natural products out there.  The facts and the research shows it.

It's ultra pure making it a really clean fish oil supplement to take.   Though, back in the old days when our cows and chickens was free roaming, that is how the people got their Omega-3.  Now most of our meats are farmed and they are fed grains and oats which lack the important nutrients.  But fish are still free roaming, eating algae rich Omega-3 and we eat the fish/fish oil supplement to get our Omega-3.  Mannatech's Essential Source Omega-3 is also very potent.  We need potentcy today.  In today's world, we need more support to maintain our good health.  Essential Source Omega-3 is the only Omega-3 I have taken, but I have heard with other products that there was an issue with fishy aftertaste or fish burp, but this product addressed that.  Also, we are facing environmental problems and I am so glad that this fish oil product is also environmentally friendly.  Great right?  I made a video below about Essential Source Omega-3.  Enjoy!

If you have the time, please let me know your comments below.  I'd love to know what you think.  I would truly appreciate it.

* These statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Questions & Answers on OsoLean

People today are looking for a safer and more effective way to lose fat;  fight the battle of the bulge and WIN!  They are looking to achieve a healthier LifeStyle.  It is known that excess fat can lead to many challenges so in a health standpoint, it is most important to stay lean.  Socially, it's good too.  To me, being lean made me more confident about myself. I hated the fact that someone pointed to my tummy as if i was the Pillsbury Doughboy at one point.  That jerk!

Below, I made a video about the some of the most commonly asked questions about OsoLean.  I personally take OsoLean myself and I recommend to everyone.  It's such a great product.  Check it out!

The eastern cultures and the old way of thinking is that being fat resembles wealth.  Today it is much the opposite.  Typically the more wealth people have the more concious they are towards their own personal health.  Wealthy people take a proactive approach to their health (they can afford it).  They focus on prevention and looking & feeling great!  I would assume they do this to enjoy the fruits of their labor.  They deserve it!

You should too! Regardless of where you are in life, whether you are just starting out in your career or working on your career especially in pursuit of being wealthy you got to start taking OsoLean.  You got to look great right?  Live absolutely well and let OsoLean help get you leaner.  That is LifeStyle Living folks! LifeStyle Living is about being healthy and wealthy.  You can't have one without the other.  You can't be incredibly healthy and incredibly broke right?  I take Robert Kiyosaki's advice, he says it's wake up time! Learn and develop your financial IQ then you can afford to be healthy!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Car Review: Toyota FJ Cruiser

LifeStyle Living is about tasting the finer things in life.  Don't you agree?  Well I got to test drive a 2010 Toyota FJ Cruiser today.  I must say, I am very impressed with the styling.  I know to some, it might look a little weird, but it's really meant to look like the FJ Cruiser of the 70s and 80s.  I think it's cool that it looks so Retro.  I love it.  Front to back is totally Retro.  I also love the big tires with the nice stock rims.  I've seen some FJ Cruisers with nasty looking rims.  I'd prefer to keep it stock.

However, the inside is something else.  It has a rugged dashboard.  Macho styling.  Though, the middle console where the radio and aircondition controls looks a little cheap.  In all honesty, the interior looks cheap for the price tag.  Though the 2010 Toyota FJ Cruiser ranks 9 out of 23 Affordable Midsize SUVs. But the Price Tag in the Philippines is almost twice as much.  You can also look up the specs online and some official reviews.  The Gas Milage sucks, however the 2010 model, to find out is improved.

I didn't get to test drive it off road, but I have heard that it is very capable off road with great handling. On the street, it's ok.  It feels like the 1997 Toyota 4Runner Limited my family had before.  Though the way you are seated, it doesn't really give a car like ride that of the 4Runner of past.  The handling is everything you'd expect from an SUV.  It's nice because it is tall and you can see everything from above.  Visibility of the blind spot is not as easy to see as the 4Runner or the car since the cabin windows are small.  Getting into the back seat is a little hard as well with the suicide doors. Cramped too.  The cargo is a lot more spacious that I had originally thought.   The cargo just looks small from the outside.  But compared to other SUV's, the cargo area is still small.

Otherwise, the FJ Cruiser is a cool retro styled SUV you can take off road or in the city.  Just be prepared to pay for the gas if you're used to a 4 cylinder car that I too currently drive.  I like it!  Despite Toyota's current problems, I still love Toyota.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

How To Make Your Vision Board

Materials Needed:




The whole goal of making a vision board is to have something physical to look at to remind you of the things you want most out of life: your goals. Not everyone is going to have the same things in their vision boards.  Not everyone want's BMW's...

Be careful of putting a bunch of expensive stuff.  Only put items in your vision board that you want most.  This is a common mistake that I have been guilty of myself.  I mean what you really really want most.  It could be words as well.  Not just pictures.  I printed out words. Better yet, write it down, bold and BIG.

If you can't find a picture of what you want, then draw it.  Stick it on the board.  What ever it is.

Most people will find this activity silly, but it is so powerful.  Some of the most successful and brightest people do this.  Maybe that is why that so few people is as successful as some.

When you're finished, post your Vision Board in a place where you'll see it daily.  If you have an office, post it directly on the facing wall.  You'll have no choice to but look at whenever you are sitting down.

Look at your Vision Board everyday.  Imagine that you have already achieve those goals.  When you're done imagining, use it as a motivational tool for you.  You can't just wish for something, you gotta make it happen.   Take action!  If you don't know what to do, just wait, the way will be shown to you.  Just believe in the power of the law of attraction.  You will attract it so long as you want it.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

My Workout Routine

I go the the gym almost daily.  Why?  Because I feel good every time I go to the gym and I feel great when I'm done.  I also feel confident about myself.  Though, I do not do your standard body building.  I do more of a conditioning type of work out.  I am not a professional trainer or anything, but I just want to share what I am doing.  My goal is to have a swimmers body without swimming.

The reason I don't swim often is because it is hard.  The pool is cold and the availability of a pool is sometimes scarce, for whatever reasons.  That, and the cholorine in the water is bad for my skin/health.  That is why I prefer not to swim in the pool that often.  See, our skin is like a sponge and it absorbes what ever we put on it.

Anyhow, this is my  workout routine. Everything is done at 2-3 sets @ 20 reps each.

1.  Stretching: Stretching is important and it gives you better results than without stretching.

2. Abs.  I use an angled bench to do upside down crunches.  I only lift my shoulders using my abs.  2-3 sets.  Then 2-3 sets of leg lifts on a flat or angled bench.

3.  Chest.  Bench press with 95-105lb barbell.  2 sets at 20 reps each.  Followed pec flies using this machine.  Another option is it use 25lbs dumbells to do the flies on a flat bench.

4.  Biceps:  curls 15-20lbs at 2 sets / 20x both arms | Triceps:  rope pushdown 30-40lbs (as you can see, I don't use heavy weights but keep the reps as high as I can.

5.  Shoulder Press 20 lbs:

6. Lat Pull down 50+lbs.  

7. Row 50+lbs

9. Seated Hamstring Curl 50+lbs. Then use the same machine to do quad lifts.

10. Squats100lbs - 135lbs

11.  Cycling for 15mins

12.  Stretch again!

Finished! This routine typically takes 1hr.

Adding Supplements is good as well.  Here are my recommendations.

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

10 Things That Make Me Happy

LifeStyle Living is about being Happy, Healthy, Wealthy and Wise. Today, I wanted to just talk about what makes me happy. Perhaps we might share the same ideas. Perhaps we might disagree. Regardless of what this list is, how about share your 10 things as well.

Here goes:

#1. Exercising: This morning, after the gym, I thought about writing this. In all honesty, I freaked out a little bit about turning 30 and evaluating my life and such. Anyhow, after going to the gym, I felt great! It's so true, working out and exercising releases endorphins, the happy hormones (I learned this while watching Legally Blond). So, working out makes me happy.  That and age is just a number!

#2.  Making Money.  Look, I know many people say that money doesn't buy happiness, but when I don't have any, I feel depressed.  When I make money, I'm happy!  So Making Money makes me happy.  If money doesn't make you happy, that is quite alright.  To me, money does buy happiness.  However, I should share this story of someone I know who is worth a lot of money, and he openly stated that he was more happier when he didn't have that much money.  It's true, but I believe when someone is doing something bigger them themselves, that brings happiness.  Hence...

#3.  Purpose.  Purpose brings me happiness.  Personally, my life purpose is to be able to help people.  Personally, I chose Mannatech, Inc., a nutrition based network marketing company.  Mannatech has great products that truly impact lives.  Mannatech also has an incredible business opportunity that too impact lives.  If I can help people with health and wealth, perhaps I can help them be happy.  Right?

#4.  Family & Friends.

#5.  Relationships.  A functional and productive one at that.  None of this dysfunctional stuff.  This one is pretty much self explanitory.

#6.  Cooking.  Hey, cooking is an art.  I do quite a bit of moving and certain places doesn't have the stuff I like.  So, what I do, I make it at home.  It's so much fun.  It's fun because I actually had some practice and watched a good friend of mine do his miracles in the kitchen.   How I wish to be just like him.

#7.  Golf.  Golf makes me so happy, especially when I'm playing well.  Though on a side note, bad days are just plain bad...  ha ha ha!

#8.  Shopping!  Yeah, I think you would agree with this one.

#9.  Dancing!  I still like to go out and party.  Break it down on the dance floor.  Be surrounded with good company.

#10.  Daydreaming.  Personally, I zone out sometimes.  I go in my own little world and think about all the possibilities.  What I can do...  How to better myself.  Many positive things just pops in my head and I implement them.  Though, I do sometimes have bad daydreams.  I try my best to stay away from this.  Gotta keep things positive you know.  Positive thinking brings positive results I would say.

Anyhow, there are many more things that makes me happy and those are just the 10 that I though of while writing this.  I encourage you to think about what makes you happy.  The first 10.   What ever it is.  Perhaps share it with us!  LifeStyle Living is to be happy!  Our happiness is key to everything else.  Without happiness, we won't have anything.   And what I personally want is everything!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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